If you’re an ASP-hosted user who hasn’t yet transitioned to Accuro Cloud, this message is for you!
We’re requiring all users with ASP hosting to activate their Accuro ONE ID and Accuro Cloud login as soon as possible. The move to the Cloud adds multi-factor authentication (MFA) to your Accuro log-in process, meaning better protection for your clinic and more security for your patient data.
How do I know if I’m in the Cloud?
If your log-in screen looks like this, your account hasn’t been transitioned and you’re not protected by MFA:

I’ve activated my Accuro ONE ID. What’s next?
If your ONE ID is already active, just log in at accuro.cloud and bookmark it for quick access. Your ASP account will be retired 10 days after your ONE ID is created.
Not yet activated your ONE ID?
Take 2 minutes now: accuroemr.com/cloud
Your new login screen at accuro.cloud will look like this: