Leading the Way

Customer Support: Making it a Top Priority

Mike Checkley, President - QHR Technologies

Welcome to 2022, Accuro Professionals!

In many of your clinics, Accuro is the heart of everything you do: scheduling, traffic management, patient care, testing and analysis, finance, business reporting, and on and on.

And with so much riding on how Accuro works for you—and how you work with it—we consider it essential to provide you with a great product as well as a team you can go to for answers to your questions, to help you find solutions to your problems, and to empower you to reach your goals no matter what the day brings.

In this edition of CONNECT, we’re focusing on something that might not be as flashy as new features but is foundational to our commitment to you: customer support and our ongoing efforts to make it better.

You’ll read about our variety of online support resources (there are quite a few), where to find your own answers, and how to get in-person assistance. You’ll learn about the training we offer, both paid and free, to ensure you’ve got the skills you need to make Accuro work for you, and you’ll see an update on our recent Performance Improvement Initiative.

To get you started, though, here’s a quick snapshot of your support options in ascending order of complexity:

  1. Check the Accuro Help Site for the answer (New: Password no longer required)
  2. Email client services and get back to your day
  3. Call client services to speak to someone in person
  4. Contact your Practice Consultant

For a printable reference list of your support options, be sure to check out the article titled “Support Resources for One and All.”

And if you’re looking to improve your Accuro knowledge:

  1. Ask your Practice Consultant to do a workflow assessment
  2. Take one (or all) of our free webinars
  3. Check out the Accuro Learning Academy and sign up for Remote Training